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Search Online Directory
Directory Summary
The Layers of Meaning Online Directory provides access to surviving interviews, social investigations and oral histories of the peace process.

You can search the online directory by entering key names, key dates, key events, interviewer and interviewee names in the search box below.

Alternatively you can view our full list of interviews entered so far by clicking on the directory summary.

Please note that we are constantly up-dating and adding to the directory.

User input and feedback is vitally important to our work. Please help us to develop this free online resource by getting in touch with your ideas, suggestions and leads to relevant interviews we may list. Please contact our research officer by email

Website development
We are currently identifying relevant websites and online resources relating to the Peace Process and we will offer guided links to these on our website. In addition, a select bibliography and chronology of events relevant to the Peace Process will be uploaded.

Please read our Terms of Use before accessing the online directory.
Name of interviewee:
Name of interviewer:
Year of interview:
Key words:
Key names in interview:
Time period covered in interview:
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Principal Project Office:
Department of Humanities
Dundalk Institute of Technology
Dublin Road   Dundalk
County Louth   Ireland

* T   +353 42 9370420
F   +353 42 9370421
[email protected]
©   The Peace Process: Layers of Meaning
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